Tuesday Teaser 4/23/19 Gina’s Wolf Part 44

Did you know that I name characters after people I know? When I wrote Sleeping With the Wolf it was sort of a gag gift for a couple of gals at work. I had no intention of getting it published. So Carla and Lisa are based on co-workers. So are Marissa and Faron Paulson, Ray Madison, Mel Dirk, Connie Mondale, and Jon and Tanner Allersen. I often change their names slightly but keep their general appearance. I jokingly tell new hires that they may end up as a character in my book. A couple of weeks ago, I asked my co-worker Jon how he’d like to die. I gave him a choice between being shot and being knifed. He chose, very tongue-in-cheek, to die by knife.

So I am sad to report that my friend and co worker Ray Mason passed away recently. His name was Martin Raymond Mason so he has two characters named for him. He died far too young. I dedicated the paperback version of Victoria’s Cat to his memory. He will be missed.

Even though I didn’t work any overtime last week, I was busy and didn’t do much writing. I didn’t even get a chance to write at Word Weavers last night. I was locked out of my laptop, and another gal’s keyboard died, so we decided to call it a night after critiquing a chapter from Tina Holland. So I have only a teensy teaser for you tonight. Sorry!


Chapter Fourteen

The chain attached to his neck clanked when Cole lifted his head to catch the faint whisper of a beloved scent on the cold early morning air. Gina. The scent faded so he knew she was moving away from him. The wolf, yearning for his mate, wanted to howl. Closing his eyes, Cole lowered his cheek back to the dirty floor of his cage. He tested each muscle and joint and was satisfied. Four hours with no more torture had given him back some of his strength.

By angling his head just right he could see the cage that held his brother twenty yards away. A guard armed with a long rifle sat between them. Unlike the last guard, this one remained alert. Wolf’s Howl hadn’t been tortured yet, and maybe he wouldn’t be. By now Red Feather would have taken word back to Omaha. They would be rescued by the Pack and Clan. Gina, too. He made himself rest, giving his body every possible moment to heal more.

His mate’s scent came again, teasing his nose and making his wolf crazy. The wolf’s agitation surprised Cole until he caught the extra note in Gina’s scent. Blood. His mate was bleeding! It took all his control to not leap toward her scent. From the clank of chains and enraged growls twenty yards away , Wolf’s Howl wasn’t as controlled. But the scent faded again.

Cole settled against the floor again, trying to relax. He had to get out of here and take care of his mate. What had been done to her? The thought of her alone, hurt and afraid, twisted his guts into festering knots. He was her mate. He should be able to protect her. Instead he was chained in a filthy cage like an animal.

He wasn’t sure how long he lay silently raging over his helplessness before he noticed a new scent. Distant but getting nearer and clearer each second. The Pack had arrived.

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