Tuesday Teaser July 3, 2018 Gina’s Wolf Part 17

Look, I didn’t forget to post the teaser on Tuesday!

Honestly, I almost did forget, but luckily I remembered in time.  This is a little rough and I think I’ll make some changes during revisions, because one character doesn’t act like I think she would act. I’ll have to do some thinking about it. But meanwhile, here you go:


“Where are we going?” Cole asked his dad.

“The Limit,” his father replied. “We have rooms there.”

Gina knew of The Limit, although she’d never gone inside. The high-end restaurant and club was outside her budget. She’d seen the outside of the historic mansion that housed the restaurant and had wondered what it was like inside. It looked like she’d get to find out.

At this crazy speed, they reached the posh district in only ten minutes. Sal cruised through a gate in a stone wall and drove up a long driveway.

The house was dark, but as they drove around to the back, Gina saw lights come on in some of the windows.

“Everybody out!” the little driver screamed over the idling motor.

Cole’s dad hopped out and raised his hands to help Gina down. The men poured out of the back of the truck. Sal roared off toward a stable turned garage before the tail gate was closed. The sound of the heavy metal door banging against the truck faded quickly.

Cole took her hand and led her into the house. The rest of the men trooped in after them. They went through what must have been a mudroom, although it was too dark to see it clearly. The next room was a large kitchen. A light flipped on, dazzling Gina’s eyes. A voice quavering with age spoke.

“Mr. Wolfe? What are you doing up? It’s not dawn yet. Even the cook isn’t up yet. Couldn’t you sleep?”

The woman who spoke was tiny with a puff of silver hair rising around her head like a halo. Going by the wrinkles on her face, her age must be great. There was a younger woman on her left, probably around forty or so, with dark blond hair brushing her shoulders. A slightly older woman with long brown hair was on her right. That woman’s eyes were fixed on Cole with tears gleaming on her lashes.

Cole’s dad spoke respectfully. “We went out to find my son, Ms. Mary.” He nodded to the younger woman. “Rose said she knew where he was.”

The old lady turned to her youngest companion. “You are so clever, my dear.”

Rose smiled, nodding at Ms. Mary, but her gaze turned quickly to Cole, and then Gina. The third woman launched herself at Cole, clenching her arms around him. He let go of Gina’s hand to hug her hard.

“Colby,” she said over and over. “Colby. Colby, you’re alive.”

“Mom. I’m alright. What are you doing here?” He lifted his cheek from her hair to glare at his dad. “This isn’t a good place for her. Or Aunt Rose.”

“Or your sister?” His father gave a faint grin.

Cole’s mouth dropped open and snapped closed. “Patia is here? Dad, it’s not safe.”

“If you think I could have kept your mother home when you were lost and maybe dead, then you don’t know her. And your sister is frantic with worry about her mate.” He went to his wife and son to join in a group hug.

Gina stepped back to give them room. One of the naked men behind brushed past her to hug Rose. Gina primly averted her eyes, but not before she saw the strong line of his back and the curve of his muscled butt.

“Well.” Ms. Mary cleared her throat loudly. “I’m very happy you found your son. But it is time you gentlemen put on some clothes. The kitchen staff will be here in a few minutes and they are too young to see such a thrilling sight.”

Gina choked trying to stifle the giggle that flew into her throat. The men behind her made a hasty retreat to the mud room.

The old lady came and took Gina’s hands in her own frail, blue-veined hands. “My dear, you are frozen right down to the bone. Please, come in. Sky, build up the fire in the …” She trailed off, frowning slightly at the man still hugging the blond woman. “Sky, hurry and get dressed. We need to decide where this lovely young lady is going to sleep.”

Cole untangled himself from his parents. “With me,” he said forcefully.

Gina opened her mouth to protest. His mother spoke first, in a hopeful tone. “Did she accept your mate claim?” She turned to Gina. “Did you?”

“No!” said Gina.

Cole’s dad made soothing noises. “Now, sweetheart, there’s no reason for them to be apart. Colby would never take advantage, and it would be a good way for them to get to know one another.” His smile turned roguish. “And it worked for us.”

His wife sniffed. “It did work for us, Taye, but if your mother had been there, what would she have said?”

Taye’s smile fell. “There’s not another room free,” he persisted.

“There is plenty of room,” his wife decreed. “And if not, you and Colby can bunk together, and Colby’s mate and I will share a room.”

Neither Cole or his dad looked happy about that.

The man called Sky suggested, “She could stay in the women’s dormitory in back.”

“No,” said Cole forcibly. “My mate stays with me!”

“Gentlemen,” said Ms. Mary in a thin shout, “go get dressed!”

Too late. Two teenaged girls came into the kitchen, gasped, and broke into red-faced giggles. Taye and the man called Sky hurried past them and disappeared into the house. Ms. Mary took charge.

“Denise, you and Rachel forget you saw anything upsetting and get to work. Make coffee and bring it to my room.”

Gina doubted the girls were upset by what they saw. The big grins on their rosy faces didn’t look upset.

“Ladies,” the old woman said to her, Cole’s mom, and Rose, “follow me.”

In a few minutes, Gina was seated in a delicate chair close to the fire in Ms. Mary’s private sitting room, with Ms. Mary in a matching chair a yard away. Rose had stoked the fire in the grate to a nice blaze, and she and Cole’s mom sat on a padded bench between Gina and Ms. Mary. Cole’s mom gave Gina a blinding smile.

“I am Carla Wolfe,” she said. “Colby’s mom. I am so happy to meet you. How did you and Colby meet? Have you known him long? Are you going to accept him?”

Gina resisted the urge to lean away. “I, uh, I don’t know.”

“Carla, give the girl a minute to breathe,” said Rose. “I’m Rose Wolfe. My mate is Sky. He used to run this house a long time ago.”

Gina blinked and nodded. “I’m Gina Summer. I met Cole at the coffeeshop I worked at.” How long ago? Two weeks? Three? It couldn’t have been four weeks ago. Everything was happening so fast she couldn’t keep up. “I never even knew about werewo—I mean, wolf warriors until a week ago.”

Carla smiled warmly. “I know it can be overwhelming. When Taye won me in a Bride Fight I was scared to death, and there were no other women at the Den, so I felt alone. You don’t have to worry about that. All of us will do everything we can to help you. Now, we can share a room. If you don’t want Colby to bother you, I promise he won’t come near you if you’re with me. You don’t even have to see him if you don’t want to. I’ll take care of you as if you were my own daughter. So, shall we share a room? Or would you like Colby for your roommate?”

Without even considering her options, she blurted, “I want Cole.”

From somewhere in the house a triumphant wolf howl rose.

3 Responses to Tuesday Teaser July 3, 2018 Gina’s Wolf Part 17

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