Tuesday Teaser July 9: Gina’s Wolf Part 47

Hello! This is later than I planned because we’ve had some nasty storms last night and today, so I wanted to stay off the computer in case of an unlikely lightening strike. All over town tree branches–some thick ones– are scattered over lawns and streets. Some houses are damaged and we have a flood warning. The potted plants on my balcony were blown over but luckily no damage here.

Tour de Fleece

I’m also participating in the Tour de Fleece, which is a spinning (spinning wheel/yarn making) challenge that runs along with the Tour de France bicycle race. My personal challenge is to spin 4 ounces of luscious merino/yak/silk roving in a very fine weight. I am off to a rather slow start, but I hope to catch up.

We’re getting quite close to the end of Gina’s Wolf now. This is only the rough draft, and I have a lot of revisions to make and re-writing to do. Usually when I write I self edit what I wrote the previous day and the story doesn’t change much along the way. This one is different. Thank you to everyone who either left comments or emailed me personally to tell me the level of violence wasn’t out of line.

So I’ll leave you with this little tidbit and then sit down to spin for an hour before bed. Enjoy!

Gina didn’t know where she was when she first woke. She didn’t know how much time had passed since Cole had carried her out of the camp. Vague flashes of memory pierced the darkness of her mind. Being juggled against Cole’s warm chest as he ran through muddy fields. A slower, smoother pace and the flash of early morning sun off ice. The roar of some vehicle and the rattle of tires over uneven ground. Her head aching viciously.

She swallowed and raised her head from the pillow to look around the room. Safe, she thought. This was the room she and Cole shared at the Limit. Another glance showed the chair beside the bed was occupied, but not by Cole. The slumped figure there had long brown hair.

“Carla?” she called.

Her mother-in-law jerked upright, eyes blinking sleepily before she lunged to her feet and reached a hesitant hand toward Gina. “Gina, how do you feel? Does your head hurt?”

Gina took a moment to consider her head. Pain was there, but it was much less than it had been the last time she’d been awake. “A little. Where’s Cole? What happened? What day is it?”

Carla held up a hand. “One question at a time. Cole went to lie down about fifteen minutes ago. He hasn’t left your side since he brought you back to Omaha yesterday morning.”

 The door opened and Taye stepped in. His face was set in a cool expression. “You’re awake. That’s good.” He dipped his head in his wife’s direction. “Carla, I’ll get Cole.”

Gina struggled to sit up. “What’s the matter? Is he mad at you?”

Carla pulled a wry face as she stuffed pillows behind Gina’s back. “We’re in trouble. All of us women are in trouble.”

“What? Why?”

Carla sat back down in the chair with a sigh. “You snuck out and put yourself in danger, and me, Rose, and Patia didn’t even try to stop you. In fact, we helped you.”

Gina shook her head. She had thought Taye loved his wife. She would have sworn he adored her and would do anything for her. She’d hoped that she and Cole would have that same kind of relationship. “He shouldn’t be mad at you! It was my idea.” She gulped to keep back tears. “I’m sorry. I didn’t know it would ruin things for you.”

“Ruin?” Carla smiled and reached out to take Gina’s hand. “Do you think this is the first rough patch me and Taye have had? It isn’t. You know, married couples ―even the ones that love each other deeply― have trouble from time to time. The only cure is to talk it through. We need to tell each other how we feel and work it out. The last few days have been too busy for us to have the time to do that, but we will.”


“Sure.” Carla squeezed her fingers. “A word of advice from an old married woman. It’s okay to get angry and be hurt, but don’t stay angry and be sure to tell Cole how you feel. My son is a good man, but he’s not a mind reader. I’ve gotten to know a whole lot of men since marrying Taye and joining the Pack, and I’ve noticed that most them are blind to even the broadest hint. The best way to communicate is with words. Okay?”

Before Gina could respond, fast footsteps sounded in the hall and the door burst open. Cole came in, hair rumpled and heavy-eyed, dressed in only cutoff shorts. Those eyes brightened when he saw her.

“You’re awake.” He seized her and held her with fiercely gentle arms, carefully avoiding touching her head or face. After a long moment, he let her go and sat on the bed. “I am so angry with you. You scared me.”

Over Cole’s shoulder she saw Taye hold out a hand to Carla. “Come on, mate, we need to talk,” he said.

Carla stood up, giving Gina a significant glance. Gina waited until the door closed behind the older couple before touching a hand to Cole’s cheek. “Why are you angry?”

“You put yourself in the enemy’s hand.” His nostrils flared. “You could have been killed!”

Me?” That squawk hurt her head.  She lowered her voice. “You were going to be killed. Your dad was going to just let it happen. I had to do something!”

Cole closed his eyes and shook his head. “My dad would never let that happen.”

She jerked her wrist free. “He said–“

His breath came out of him in a deep sigh. “I know. I know.” He captured her hand again and held it gently. “You haven’t had a chance to get to know him yet, but Mom should have known better.”

Her eyes narrowed. “Your dad was very convincing.”

“I guess he must have been, if Mom went along with your crazy plan.”

“And Rose and Patia.”

His eyebrows rose. “So, this is Dad’s fault?”

She made herself consider. Throwing back a sarcastic reply would be easy, but easy wasn’t the right thing here. She wondered if her mother-in-law was having this exact same discussion. “Not your dad’s fault,” she said carefully. “I knew what my stepfather was capable of. I kept imagining what he would be doing to you and I couldn’t bear it. I had the best chance of getting to you.”

Cole stroked his thumb over her fingers. “Did you even consider talking to my dad?”

“No. I knew he wouldn’t let me.”

“Ha! So you knew trying to rescue me was stupid.”

The word ‘stupid’ grated, but she put it aside to search his face, trying to see inside him. “Cole, maybe it was stupid. But I love you. If there was even the smallest chance that I could get you free, it was worth it.”

He was quiet for a moment. “I promised I wouldn’t give you orders. But please promise me you won’t ever do something like this again.”

She shook her head slowly. “I would do it again if I had to.” She lifted a hand to stop his protest. “But I promise to talk it over with someone.”

“Someone like my dad?” he asked pointedly.

“Someone like your dad,” she agreed.

He smiled at her, so handsome her heart turned over. “Good enough. You know, my mom and dad have these kinds of discussions and then the go into their room for the rest of the day.” His smile took on a heated curve. “Are we done discussing?”

An answering heat flared in her. “Yeah. Done.”

He leaned close until his lips were only a breath from hers. “I guess I do have one more thing to say.”

Gina almost told him to save it for later, but she kept her mouth closed and waited.

He whispered, “I love you.”

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