Tuesday Truth 10/30/18: I’m Moved!

Well … Mostly moved. I still have my summer clothes, a bunch of knick knacks, books, rugs, bulletin boards (for plotting), cat toys, etc, over at mom’s. I just ran out of time and steam to pack all those, so I will need to get them over the next few weeks.


Living room

sewing room/guest room

As you can see, I have quite a lot of unpacking yet to do, and I am very busy this week. I work every day, plus last night I was out for my local critique group meeting, tomorrow I go to mom’s to help hand out candy, Thursday is my SCA meeting and I’ll be out of town all day Saturday. So I guess I’ll be living with this mess for a while.  🙂

I’ve only been living here for 4 days, so I can’t be sure, but so far it’s been fairly quiet. It was a warm sunny day so I had my windows open today. One of the neighbors also had his windows open and was playing his music loudly, but I didn’t hear –or feel!!– any bass, and it lasted for only about 90 minutes. My biggest problem is the heat. This place is WARM even with my heat off and my windows open. But I imagine that will be pleasant in January when it is minus 20.

I am giving myself permission to put writing aside until I get settled. I cannot concentrate when the place is cluttered, and as you see in the pictures, this place is a mess. I decided to concentrate on the kitchen first, and unpacking and washing all the plates and silverware, glasses, bakeware, pots and pans and coffee cups (Don’t forget the coffee cups!) is taking some time. Unpacking and arranging the 28 boxes of books will be a joy compared to the kitchen.

There probably won’t be a teaser on November 6, but I think you can count on one on November 13. I just wanted to give you a heads up so you won’t think I’ve fallen off the earth!

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