2015 is Here!

A new year gives us an excellent time to assess where we are, where we’ve been, and where we want to go. Do you make New Year’s Resolutions?  I used to, but they always turn into depressing failures, so instead I make goals. Some goals are concrete, others are sort of  vague. Here are mine:

Goal #1: Waste Less Time. Facebook is a Time Suck.  Truth, right? I want to make better use of my time, so I bought
13183209 a planner on Amazon. I think it will work out nicely. Maybe I won’t actually keep to a schedule like this, but I’m going to try. After a few weeks I should have an idea of where I’m wasting my time, right? (If you look closely you might get an idea of where I am in Wolf’s Princess.)

I ordered mine here.


Goal #2: Finish Writing Wolf’s Princess!!! I love this story. I adore Sky. Rose is a nice mix of vulnerable and tough. I like the secondary characters. There are lots of threads that get wrapped up in this story. This is officially the last book in the series, but I will be writing a few more short stories, like a Christmas story series epilogue and …


Goal #3: Write  the Tuesday Teaser for Kit and Olivia. I’m not sure where I’m going with this one yet. My publisher recently put out a call for 20,000 word novellas that go with established series. This one might fit that.


Goal #4: Sew more costumes! I used to make two or three historical costumes every year. I haven’t made one in quite a while. I miss doing that. If I do another costume fashion show at RAGT I’d like to have newer costumes for that. Maybe a regency day dress and a Victorian bustle skirt and jacket?


Goal #5: Laugh more!


Goal #6: Spend More Time with Friends.


Goal #7:  Downsize. I am planning to move to a different apartment at the end of March and the thought of packing all the books, yarn, and other things makes me cringe. That blender on the counter? Haven’t used it in years. Do I really need to keep it? I hate the idea of getting rid of books, but really, will I ever read it again? Is it available through the library or on Kindle?


Goal #8: Do more in the SCA. I hardly ever go to events anymore and I miss it.


Goal #9: Exercise more. I ordered one of those foldable bikes. It arrived yesterday at my brother’s place and he’s supposed to bring it over and help me get it set up next week.


Goal #10: Play with my cats more. The poor girls are mighty neglected, and that’s not fair.


There, 10 goals for this coming year. Do you have goals or resolutions? Wishing you a wonderful, happy and prosperous 2015 with all your goals met!



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