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Tuesday Teaser June 17, 2014 Wolf’s Lady Part 22

Hello! I’m back with an extra long snip from Wolf’s Lady to make up for missing last week. I’m also including a pic of the real Amanda, a friend that I’ve loosely based this character on. We spent part of Saturday doing pictures. When I’ve finished this story I will put it away until I’ve submitted Wolf’s Princess, then I will have it edited, and I’ll do a re-write based on the edits, then I will make it available for free on my website. I’ll get a cover made using one of the pictures from Saturday’s photo shoot.

Before we get to the tidbit, I wanted to let you know that I have officially started Wolf’s Princess. My soft goal to have the rough draft done is October 10. We’ll see how I do with that. 🙂  And now, with no further ado (I’ve always wanted to say that!) here is Sand and Amanda.


Amanda returned home from shopping with a box under her arm containing a lacy nightie that covered almost nothing, and a sheer robe that hid barely more. Cayla walked beside her in the light drizzle through the gates to Sky’s House. She nodded to Randy, the gate guard, as he swung the gate closed behind them.

“You should have had something made up special,” Cayla said, nodding at the package Amanda tried to shield from the rain. “I mean, that one special night with the one special man deserves something unique.”

“That would have taken at least a week.” Amanda smiled in anticipation. “I’m not waiting that long.”

Their hair was damp by the time they rushed into the house, laughing, but their laughter died when they saw Sky standing in the front hall, face set in harsh lines.

“Where’s Sand?” Amanda asked, heart jumping in her chest.

“Come back to my office.”

She gripped her box tighter for a moment before surrendering it to Cayla. The compassion on the other woman’s face hurt. She followed Sky to his office, noticing he had changed into jeans and a cotton button down shirt. He had been back for a while, then.

As soon as the door closed, she asked, “Where is Sand?”

Sky looked her right in the eye. “During the meeting, he attacked Terry. He was arrested for assault. He’s in the City cells.”

Turning away with fist clenched against her stomach, Amanda huffed, “That idiot!”

“He was provoked. Askup said some nasty things.”

Amanda whirled back with a swing of damp hair. “Not Sand. Terry! That asshole just won’t give up. Doesn’t he understand English? Is he stupid enough to think this will make me accept him?”

“Who can say what a stupid man thinks when he’s in love?” Sky’s voice was full of bitterness that he instantly banished. “I petitioned for a speedy trial. It’s going to be even speedier than I expected. Three pm today.”

That didn’t give them much time to plan a defense. “Where’s Joe?”

“He’s with Sand, coaching him in how to answer questions at the trial.”

“Good.” Joe Sullivan was a quiet man whose thin pale hair matched the rest of him. Shy and unassuming until he stood in a courtroom, Sky’s lawyer was passionate in pursuit of justice. “I’ll go get changed. Don’t leave without me.”

Sky caught her elbow. “No, you need to stay here.”

“Are you crazy?” She jerked her elbow free. “This is my fiancĂ© we’re talking about.”

“Your fiancĂ©?” Something lit Sky’s eyes to radiant blue. “You’re accepted him?”

“Yeah. He doesn’t know it yet, but yeah. I decided this morning that I would marry him.”

Sky was silent for a moment before nodding. “Get changed and have something to eat. We leave for City Hall in an hour.”



*  *  *

The courtroom was packed. That was unexpected, considering how the trial time had been rushed through. Amanda could see a
10034164dozen of her usual appointments present, as well as quite a few young men, apparently expecting to see a show. If the trial went badly for Sand, she would damn sure give them a show. Terry was sitting with another man, probably his lawyer, at a table at the left in the front of the courtroom. She studiously ignored him as she let Sky’s firm hand guide her into a chair right behind the defendant’s table on the right. Joe Sullivan was already there, shuffling papers in a false show of nerves.  Sky leaned forward to whisper in the lawyer’s ear.

She smoothed the skirt of her floral maxi dress over her knees while the men whispered. What to wear had had been a hard choice. She wavered over her one conservative suit, but decided to wear a dress Sand had admired. Her hair was brushed out, damp from the rain, over her bare shoulders. She wore less makeup than usual. As she’d feared, even with an umbrella, she’s gotten wet on the walk downtown. No way would she attend Sand’s trial with her mascara smeared over her face as if she’d been crying. Instead she put her shoulders back, slipped the skinny shoulder strap of her dress back up and put a mildly interested expression on her face.

It was hard to maintain that expression when the door to the side of the room opened and Sand was marched in. He was still gorgeous in Sky’s borrowed suit, but the handcuffs holding his wrists together in front of him made Amanda’s blood boil. His face, with eyes narrowed into black slits, looked barely civilized. The Guardsmen steered him to the table beside Joe, nearly within touching distance of her. When he saw herm, his eyes opened wide.

“Amanda,” he said, twisting around in his chair to stare at her.

“I’m here with you, Sand.” She kissed her fingertips and flicked her fingers toward him to throw him the kiss. “I’ll always be with you.”

He opened his mouth to say something, but Joe tugged on his sleeve, murmuring urgently. The reluctance was obvious when he turned around, leaving her to stare at his hair. It was still braided, with the watery light from the windows gleaming on the rain that wet it.

“All rise for Judge John J. Case,” the bailiff bawled.

Amanda relaxed a little and stood. Johnny had been one of her regulars until he married five years ago. And, more importantly, he wasn’t a friend of Terry’s. She made sure she caught Johnny’s eye as he mounted the steps to his seat. She gave him only the smallest of smiles, trying to convey thoughtful respect, no flirtation or sassy appeal. His answering smile and nod were warm, lifting some of the weight off her chest.

“Everybody, take your seats,” Johnny said, settling himself behind the tall imposing desk. “Bailiff, read me the charges.”

“Mr. Terrence Askup, plaintiff, accuses Mr. Sand Wolfe, defendant, of physical assault on two occasions, the first on the evening of September 10th of this year, and the second in the morning of September 30. That would be today, Judge.”

“I know what day it is,” the judge said, gazing at Terry with a cool expression before turning that same expression on Sand. “How does the defendant plead?”

Joe and Sand stood up. “Mr. Wolfe pleads not guilty to both charges.”

The back of Terry’s neck went red and he leapt to his feet. “Liar!”

Johnny cast him a narrow-eyed glare. “The plaintiff is not to speak unless asked a question. Sit down, gentlemen.”

Amanda couldn’t see Terry’s face, but she would bet he was scowling. The judge raised a sheaf of paper. “I want quiet in the courtroom while I review the complaint.” He muttered something about haste making waste, and began reading. After long minutes he raised his head again.

“It says here that Mr. Sand Wolfe is employed by Mr. Sky Wolfe in the capacity of Hall Monitor, which I believe is a fancy word for bouncer.”

Some of the men in the room laughed.

“Mr. Askup alleges Mr. Sand Wolf ejected him from the premises with no explanation and excessive force, causing bodily harm. Is that right, Mr. Askup?”


Amanda saw Sand twitch, and Joe lay a soothing hand over his wrist.

The judge read the paper again. “And this morning Mr. Sand Wolfe attacked you in the mayor’s home without cause or reason. Is that right?”

Terry’s neck reddened again. Shame? Amanda hoped so, but she doubted it. “Yes,” he said loudly.

“Do you have any changes you’d like to make to your statement or anything to add?”

Terry’s lawyer whispered into his ear. Terry shook his head as if irritated. “No, Your Honor.”

“Very well. Mr. Wolfe?” Johnny cast a quick glance at Sky and clarified, “Sand Wolfe?”

Sand and Joe stood up.

“The complaint states you removed Mr. Askup from Sky’s House without any explanation. Is that true?”

“No, Your Honor,” Sand said in a clear, level voice. “I told Mr. Askup that his appointment had been cancelled. That all his appointments with Miss Amanda had been cancelled. He said very insulting things about me and tried to push past me to go to Miss Amanda’s room. I had to lift him off his feet to stop him. I carried him down the stairs and pushed him outside. If he got bruised, it was his own fault. He should have left when he was told to.”

The gallery buzzed with whispered and chuckles. The noise stopped dead when Terry leapt to his feet.

“She’s my fiancĂ©e!” he yelled.

Noise broke out again. Sand fell into a half couch. Next to her Sky stiffened and said quietly, “Easy, cousin. Don’t make the change here.”

Incredibly, Sand seemed to have heard him even over the noise. He relaxed. “You asked her to marry you. She refused.”

Terry began to yell again, but the bailiff grabbed hold of his arm as Johnny banged his gavel on his desk. “Silence!” he roared. “You will have another chance to speak, as long as you stay quiet now! Mr. W—Sand Wolfe, what happened this morning?”

“My cousin Sky and I went to the mayor’s house to meet Askup because he was making trouble. An inquiry. Or an investigation?”

The judge lifted a page, scanned it. “Yes, it’s here. What happened? Did you assault Mr. Askup?”

“I wanted to pound his face in,” Sand said, “but I didn’t. I might have, if Sky hadn’t stopped me.”

More laughter from the gallery. Terry was not well liked in Omaha.

“The complaint states you attacked the plaintiff for not reason. Is that true?”

“I had plenty good reason!” Anger threaded liberally through Sand’s voice. “He said filthy things about Amanda.”

Joe spoke for the first time. “A man has a right to defend his fiancee’s honor.”

Amanda saw that Sand and Terry both stiffened, but probably for different reasons. Sand swung around to stare at her, confusion and hope on his face. She smiled at him and nodded.

Terry screamed, “She’s my fiancĂ©e!”

“The hell she is!” Sand roared back.

“Dear God,” Johnny growled. “Bailiff! Separate the plaintiff and the defendant.”

Actually, Sand hadn’t moved. He stood straight, fists clenched  at his sides, but Terry was trying to get to him. The bailiff wrestled Terry back to his table. He stared, wild-eyed, at Amanda.

“I asked you to marry me!” he shouted.

“And I told you no,” she shouted back.

The gallery tittered like schoolgirls, staring at the front of the courtroom like it was the most fascinating play they’d ever seen. Amanda felt her cheeks flush. She sat back in her chair, trying to calm herself.

“Aha,” said the judge, like a man who had finally smashed the mosquito that had been buzzing around his face all night. “Both of you seem to think you’re engaged to marry the same woman. And here is the lady herself. Miss Amanda, if you would satisfy the court’s curiosity on one point, the court would be grateful. Yes, stand up, please, and tell us which, if either, of these two men you would like to be your husband?”

She stood up, feeling slightly wobbly, but Sky beside her and Sand in front of her, steadied her. “Your Honor, I am going to marry Sand Wolfe.”

The blaze of joy in Sand’s face made tears smart her eyes. “I love you, Sand,” she said in a low voice she hoped he could hear over the roar of the gallery.

“No!” It was a demented scream from Terry. He clawed at the bailiff to free himself. “You can’t marry that stinking Indian. He’s not good enough for you.”

The gavel thudded repeatedly while the judge shouted for silence. The roar had almost died to nothing when Amanda put one hand on her hip and glowed at Terry. “You think you’re good enough for me? Listen, sugar, I am way too much woman for a pencil dick like you to handle. From now on the only man to handle me will be Sand.”


Hello! I meant to get this blog post out yesterday, but I got swallowed up reading. I read three books yesterday! I ignored everything and just sat and read. Ever do that?

Me and Janet Rodman

Me and Janet Rodman

Me and Jessica

Me and Jessica

Holly, me, Jennifer

Holly, me, Jennifer

I am just back from the Annual Reader & Author Get Together in West Chester Ohio, just outside Cincinnati. I went with my good friend, Jessica. I had a great time, as always. I got to meet some new readers,  like Holly Smith and Jennifer Sapa, and I got to meet Janet Rodman, who I already knew online. Hi, Janet!

Paige Tyler and me

Paige Tyler and me






There is so much going on at RAGT that I don’t know where to start! There were panels, meet-and-greets, games, book signings, shopping, a raffle baskets, and more. The first person I saw when I arrived was Paige Tyler. Paige is a fellow Romance Diva, and she has always been so kind to me. I can’t tell you how much I love Paige.




Ty Langston, Tatum Throne, Maddy, Paige Tyler

Ty Langston, Tatum Throne, Maddy, Paige Tyler

I met many authors for the first time including Ty Langston and Tatum Throne, who were part of the Writing Divas and a Dude boardroom. The other Divas were Paige Tyler and Tigris Eden.  Tigris wasn’t able to be there due to a family emergency.   One of the things my boardroom did was a fashion show. I have









lots of SCA garb, from many different time periods and cultures, and the hard part was deciding which to bring!  Here is a pic from that: Tatum Throne in Viking, Ty Lanston in 16th Century Florentine, Paul in late 20th Century Indian, Paige Tyler in a sari, and Marilyn Mandalis in 16th Century Japanese.  The fashion show was a lot of fun and people seemed to like it. I think we’ll do it again next year.

Tatum Throne, Ty Lanston, Paul, Paige Tyler, Marilyn Mandalis

Tatum Throne, Ty Lanston, Paul, Paige Tyler, Marilyn Mandalis


Marcie and Maddy

Marcie and Maddy

Jessica and I also put together a raffle basket. It was won by Marcie, who seemed to be very excited about her win. I hope she enjoys the afghan I made, and the books and the $40.00 Barnes & Noble gift card that Jessica donated.

Yes, next year. I’m already very excited about it!

Wolf’s Vengeance is OUT!



Template to be used to assemble cover art for Liquid Silver Books.  It was created in PhotoShop CS6.

Template to be used to assemble cover art for Liquid Silver Books. It was created in PhotoShop CS6.

The next book in the After the Crash series is available at most etailers now!


In a future world where modern technology is unknown and women are rare, werewolf Snake Wolfe claimed Melissa Dirk as his mate the moment he laid eyes on her. Mel is a woman willing to do anything to save her mother, even marry the werewolf who promises to help.


Buy It Now from the Publisher


Buy It Now from


Buy It Now from Barnes and Noble



Wolf’s Vengeance Winners

A big thank you to everyone who entered. I love reading your comments. You’ve helped me see what is working for the series. Specifically, it seems everyone likes how the wolves treat their mates. Thank you again! And now for the big announcement.


The winners are Lindsay K and Jessica W!

I have emailed these two ladies. If I don’t hear back from them by noon tomorrow (central time) I will draw again.

Someone emailed me to ask how I do the drawings. I use excel spreadsheets. When someone enters I copy and paste their name and email addy into a spreadsheet. At the end of the contest I go out to mailchimp and download the most current list of  newsletter recipients. I use the find function to compare  the two lists. Any email addy that is on the contest entry list AND the newsletter list is added to the contest entry list again so that person has two entries. Then I use the random number picker at Each line of the spreadsheet has a number. So if I have a total of 81 entries, starting at line 2, I enter 2 through 82 and click generate. I find the number it comes up with on the spreadsheet, and bingo, there’s the winner. 🙂

Wolf’s Vengeance Giveaway!

Need something to read this weekend? How about Wolf’s Vengeance?

Template to be used to assemble cover art for Liquid Silver Books.  It was created in PhotoShop CS6.

Template to be used to assemble cover art for Liquid Silver Books. It was created in PhotoShop CS6.

Yes, I know it doesn’t come out until May 26th, but I’m going to give away two downloads (in either ePub or kindle format) on Saturday night at 7:00 pm central time. That’s Saturday, May 17th, just three days away! To enter, just leave a comment below before 6:00 pm on Saturday and tell me one thing you like about the After the Crash series. I will draw 2 names and email the winners. If I don’t hear back by Sunday at noon, I will draw again. (as always, those who receive my newsletter are automatically entered twice to win)

Good luck!


Her Perfect Mate by Paige Tyler

Four years ago I met an author named Paige Tyler at Lori Foster’s Reader & Author Get Together. I’d known about Paige for years. I’d read a couple of her books before I was ever published and I remember being a little star struck when I met her. I’m horribly shy, so my first year at the RAGT was hard for me. However, Paige was so bubbly and friendly that she made me forget that I was shy. Well, since that first meeting in Ohio back in 2011, Paige’s star has continued to climb. She’s become a USA Today Bestselling Author, and her first book from Sourcebooks is being released tomorrow. I’ve already pre-ordered mine from Amazon and I can’t wait for this weekend so I can dive into it.  Want to know more? Read on!


HerPerfectMate_CVR_USA_Today-251x367He’s a High-Octane Special Ops Pro

When Special Forces Captain Landon Donovan is chosen for an assignment with the Department of Covert Operations, he’s
stunned to find his new partner is a beautiful woman who looks like she couldn’t hurt a fly, much less take down a terrorist.

She’s No Kitten

Ivy Halliwell isn’t your average covert op. Her feline DNA means she can literally bring out the claws when things get dicey. She isn’t thrilled to be paired with yet another military grunt, but Landon is different. He doesn’t think she’s a freak-and he’s smokin’
hot. Soon they’re facing a threat even greater than anyone imagines…and an animal magnetism impossible to ignore.



Click Here to Pre-Order from Amazon Now!

Click here to Pre-Order from Barnes & Noble Now!

Click here to Pre-Order from All Romance eBooks Now!

Click here to Pre-Order from Sourcebooks Now!


To finish, the snip from Sand and Amanda’s story won’t be posted until later tomorrow night. But hang in there. It’s a little on the juicy side, a little on the tender side. I hope you’ll think it’s worth the wait.  😉

Wolf’s Vengeance is Up for Pre-Order

My next book, Wolf’s Vengeance, is coming out on May 26. You can pre-order it from the publisher now at a Wolf's Vengeance 


In a future world where modern technology is unknown and women are rare, werewolf Snake Wolfe claimed Melissa Dirk as his mate the moment he laid eyes on her. All he wants is her to love him as much as he loves her. Mel will do anything to save her stolen mother, even marry the fierce werewolf who promises to help with the rescue. Love? Well 
 maybe she’ll love him someday.


When trouble from Mel’s past threatens her very life, Snake swears anyone who wants to hurt her will have to go through him, and he will avenge every insult dealt her. Can love be born in blood? Or will Snake have to settle for merely his wife’s gratitude?

Happy May Day!!

Wolf's VengeanceWolf’s Vengeance

After the Crash 6


May is finally here! It’s less than a month until the release of Wolf’s Vengeance and boy, am I excited! How about you? Would you like to read it before it’s released? I will be sending out a newlsetter on Monday with directions on how to enter to win an ARC of the book.  If you don’t get my newsletter but would like to, there is a sign up form on the right.


Happy May Day!

Laura London is BACK!!

Back when I was in high school and college I read like a fiend. Sometimes I would read all night, and still get to class the next day.  Anyone else do that? Please don’t let me be the only one to confess that!   At that time there wasn’t a really a “paranormal romance” genre, but historical romances were huge, and I loved them. One of the authors (or authors) that I adored above all others was Laura London. I said “authors” because Laura London is actually the husband and wife writing team of Tom and Sharon Curtis. They wrote back in the late 70s through the 90s, and then they sort of disappeared. They wrote such wonderful characters that I feel like I actually knew them. And not just the hero and heroine. Their secondary characters were marvelous too. Many of their characters are still fresh in my mind, decades later. When I grow up I want to write characters like they did.

Or do? Tom and Sharon Curtis are back!  Their backlist is being re-released. And best all all *insert wild happy dance* they are writing again! If you haven’t had a chance to read any of their work, I suggest you start with the Windflower. I have enjoyed every book they ever wrote (even their novella, The Natural Child in the When You Wish anthology is outstanding), but The Windflower is arguably their best book. It jsut came out today. Why not take a look and see if you might like it. Then come back and tell me what you thought of Cat. And Cook. And Raven. In fact, all of it!

Paperback Giveaway!

Just thought I’d let you know I am running a giveaway for 3 copies of Tales of the Wolf Clan on GoodReads! Why not toss your hat in the ring?


Goodreads Book Giveaway

Tales of the Wolf Clan by Maddy Barone

Tales of the Wolf Clan

by Maddy Barone

Giveaway ends May 08, 2014.

See the giveaway details
at Goodreads.

Enter to win

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