Tuesday Truth: 4/23/13 Wolf’s Prize

The rough draft  of After the Crash Book 5 Wolf’s Prize is done!

Mind you that is only the first step in getting the book completed. I need to:

1. Go back and do some revisions. There’s a fairly lengthy scene I want to add, and some details I need to remove, and a plot point I need to play up a bit more. I may do some re-writing of the last few pages.

2. But before I do all that I want the story to sit for a few days so I can come at it fresh.

3. Revisions should take about a week.

4. Then it gets sent to the beta readers for them to read it and let me know if it works forthem or if there are some scenes or dialogue that needs work.

5. I take all the commetns and suggestions into consideration and do a final revision.

6. Submit to the publisher.

After that is a whole nother sent of revisions, then editing, then line editing, then Release Date.  Geez, it’s like giving birth!

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