
Shawl for the Raffle Basket is Done!


The Annual Reader & Author Get Together that is hosted each year by Lori Foster in the Cincinnati area is coming up in only 25 days! Each year there are fantastic raffle baskets for people to bid on. My friend Jessica and I are putting together a basket that will contain some goodies for a romance reader: a B&N nook with a hand sewn cover, paperbacks of my books Sleeping With the Wolf and Wolf’s Glory, a B&B gift card, and a hand knit shawlette.  We’re not sure what else to put in it.

You readers, what else would make a raffle basket interesting enough for you to buy a ticket for it?

The Cancan Dancer and the Duke by Dara Young

Dara Young can’t wait for May 2nd to get here. So, while she is waiting she thought she’d put together a blog tour to help share the news about her upcoming release. For each comment posted over the 12 days she will give you one entry into a drawing for a $25 gift card to Please pass on the news! The more the merrier!

Impulsive Hearts May 1st
My Blog May 2nd
Mama Kitty Reviews May 3rd
Sidney Bristol May 4th
Arabella Stokes May 5th
Angel Graham May 6th
That’s What I’m talking About May 7th
Modokker Book Picks May 8th
Katherine Grey May 9th
Amie Louellen May 10th
Evangeline Holland May 11th
Dariel Raye May 12th

The Cancan Dancer and The Duke
The Wild Rose Press
Release Date: May 2, 2012
Can a lady on the lam and a duke on the make find love at the Moulin Rouge?

Cathedrals and museums are not Lady Charise Colton’s idea of European adventure. Turn-of-the-century Paris beckons, and she wants to grab it while she can…or rather, cancan. Flirting with fate and half of Paris, Charise eludes her chaperones and joins the cancan revue at the Moulin Rouge.

Ethan Greer, Duke of Lofton, is in Paris to settle some estate business. Chafing under his responsibilities, he discovers an enchanting distraction at the Moulin Rouge, a flirtatious dancer who stirs his lust and something more. He must have her—even if it means offering carte blanche.

Terrified of discovery, Charise tries to hold her persistent suitor at bay, though her heart has already surrendered. Will she lose him if he learns the truth, or is love enough to bind the cancan dancer and the duke?


The singular sound was a soft whisper at first. The audience strained forward to catch even a note of the eerie melody carried on the fetid air of the cafe. As the song picked up, her voice grew stronger, the words more clear. Ethan relaxed into his seat and let the warm rich alto caress him. His body grew warm with the promises carried by the witch’s husky tones.

He remained unaware of anything in the room except the siren walking toward him. Each steady, unhurried step she took further drew him in. His gaze feasted on the curve of her hip, the swell of her breast. Ethan rode the knife’s edge between lust and propriety.

The song described, in lurid detail, two lovers in the throes of passion. Upon reaching him, the dancer propped the toe of her boot onto the edge of his seat—square between his thighs. The luscious creature presented impossibly sheer bloomers which hid everything and yet nothing, causing him to let out the breath he, until now, unknowingly held. His c**k grew rigid, the uncomfortable throbbing causing him to shift. The desire to haul her into his arms and demonstrate every action she described with the most sensuous mouth he’d ever seen rode him hard. Her full lower lip begged for his kiss. Ethan wanted to see it slick and glowing pink from his attentions.

The wanton dancer continued to taunt him, but his good breeding won out. Forcing himself to stay seated, his fists balled and his jaw grew rigid with frustration, but his raging lusts remained leashed. The song ended, sending her into the nether regions of the cafe in a swirl of skirts.

Add it to my shelf at: GoodReads

Giving Away 5 Copies of Sherry’s Wolf!

The rough draft and first set of revisions of Sherry’s Wolf are done! I have sent the manuscript out to several beta readers and have already heard back from two of them. I have a few minor changes to make, but over all, They Liked It! To celebrate, I will be giving away 5 pdf ARCs (Advanced Reader Copies). This contest will only be open to members of my newsletter. Sign up for the Newsletter is HERE. This weekend I will send out a newsletter with an entry form attached, so sign up quick for your chance to win. I will be drawing 5 names on Friday March 9, and will send the ARCs out that same night.


My goal is to have this story ready to go live on  Smashwords, Barnes & Noble, Amazon, etc, the first week of April. It may take longer for it to show up on Amazon and Barnes & Noble, since they load things up according to their own schedule, but it will get out eventually. Sherry’s Wolf will be a free read. It is just over 31,000 words long, so it qualifies as a novella. For comparison, Sleeping With the Wolf is 42,500 words long and Wolf Tracker is 73,000 words long. Although other characters from the books appear briefly, this is really about Stag and Sherry.


Poor Stag has waited so long for his mate to accept him that I’m afraid has lost his patience altogether.  And Sherry has been drawn to Stag from the beginning, but she has good reason to be reluctant to accept him. How do these two ever manage to come together? Win an ARC and find out!


Wolf Tracker Winner

The Cupid’s Choice Bloghop is over. Thank you so much to everyone who went on the hop. I loved all the comments!

The winner of the free download of Wolf Tracker chosen from the comments left on my blog is DESIREE!  Desiree, I’ve emailed you. All winners from the hop are being contacted by the authors. The Winner of the Nook Touch is YADKNY!

Congratulations, ladies! Hope to see everyone again next time. Happy Reading!

Cupid’s Choice Bloghop!

Welcome to Maddy Barone’s stop of the bloghop! If you’ve fallen off and want to hop back on, click here.


 Wolf Tracker, the third book in my After the Crash series, was released by Liquid Silver Books on Monday February 6, and to celebrate that I am offering a free download to one winner. To enter, simply leave a comment on my blog saying you’d like to read Wolf Tracker.

Strong, independent Tami was a survivalist and mountain guide in 2014 when she was flung forward fifty years into a post-apocalyptic future where women are worth their weight in gold. She is taken by four men to be their wife, but when she escapes from them they hire the Tracker, a deadly loner from the Clan with a reputation for being able to track anything, to bring her back. But Tami knows how to ride and how to hide, and she leads him on a chase that rouses his admiration. Behind Tracker’s stone cold face is a man who yearns for a wife of his own. When he catches up with Tami and learns that she is not a willing wife, he knows he can’t give her up.



I didn’t write a short story for the hop, but Valentine’s Day usually means candy, so I have a little eye candy for my visitors. My next story is Sherry’s Wolf, about plane crash survivor Sherry Rowe and the wolf that claims her as his mate.  It will be a free read and I hope to have it ready by the end of March. As my series features Lakota heroes, here are a few hotties that could easily pass as characters in the After the Crash series.


 This is Jumping Stag, the patient wolf who claimed Sherry way back in Sleeping With the Wolf. Sherry is terrified of the werewolf and stubbornly denies his claim.                                                                      


   Sherry thinks werewolves are scary, however playful and   harmless they may try to appear. Stag has done everything he can to convince her he only wants to treasure her, but she just won’t be convinced. What’s a wolf to do?



Here are Stag, and his cousin Snake. In Wolf Tracker, Snake is assigned to be Tami’s personal guard while she’s living at the Plane Women’s House in Kearney.



 Go through the blogs and at the end fill out the entry form to be entered to win! There are tons of prizes to be won on this hop, like free downloads of books and a Nook Touch. Light weight, easy to use, and small enough to be tucked into even a smallish purse, the nook touch would be my pick for a new e-reader.  Good luck on the hop!


Wolf Tracker is here!

You can purchase it at:

Liquid Silver Books     Amazon     All Romance EBooks


And I’m sure it will be available at Fictionwise and other vendors soon too. Happy Reading!

Strong, independent Tami was a survivalist and mountain guide in 2014 when she was flung forward fifty years into a post-apocalyptic future where women are worth their weight in gold. She is taken by four men to be their wife, but when she escapes from them they hire the Tracker, a deadly loner from the Clan with a reputation for being able to track anything, to bring her back. But Tami knows how to ride and how to hide, and she leads him on a chase that rouses his admiration. Behind Tracker’s stone-cold face is a man who yearns for a wife of his own. When he catches up with Tami and learns that she is not a willing wife, he knows he can’t give her up.


Writing Update

Hello! It’s been a while since I gave an update about my writing, so I think it’s time.


First of all, Wolf Tracker is coming out this Monday. Yay for February 6! I’m excited about that. Every book is special to its author, because so much work goes into each one. But Wolf Tracker is a little extra special to me. The heroine, Tami, was raped just before the story starts. She has to deal with the aftermath of that for the entire book. In real life, rape has a huge impact on the victim and on the victim’s family and friends. There is nothing romantic about rape. But how Tracker treats Tami is romantic. He’s not a soft-hearted kind of guy. He’s not well educated. He’s killed a few men here and there. Nobody would call him sweet. But he always puts Tami first. And that is the most romantic thing a guy can do. You’ll see what I mean when you read about their wedding night. Okay, I can admit it, I’m a little in love with Tracker. I adore Taye, but Tracker is my favorite hero. At least for
now. 😉


I’m also working hard on Sherry’s Wolf, the free read I intended to have posted by Valentine’s Day. For some stupid reason I thought I’d be able to dash off a short story and have it ready to go live  in a few weeks time. After all, it was only going to be about 12,000-14,000 words.

Ack! I’m only half done and I’m already at 15,300 words. I guess Stag doesn’t want to be hurried. It’s harder than I thought it would be to write a free story. I want it to be a good story, not just a hurried, lame attempt. But how much should I say that would be spoilers? Am I putting in enough so that someone who never read the series would be able to follow along? Am I putting in so much detail that someone who has read the other books would be bored? The plan was to have this finished and handed over to the critiquer by February 1. Now I’ll be lucky to have the first draft done by March 1. Either I’ll have to ruthlessly chop it down or just go with what Stag wants. And I gotta tell you, Stag always gets what he wants!


One more thing is the Cupid’s Choice Bloghop. It starts this Friday, Feb 10 and goes through Sunday Feb 12th. Follow the hop to win prizes like a Nook Touch,  free books, free downloads of ebooks, giftcards and more. To receive an emailed reminder about the hop, Sign Up Here.

Books I Want To Read

Do you ever get so excited about a upcoming book that no other story can really satisfy you? I get like that. Here are a few books that I am on pins and needles for:


Only two more days until Lothaire by Kresley Cole is out!!! I just finished re-reading A Hunger Like No Other, the first in the series, and my fave so far. Not sure about Lothaire, to be honest. He’s a bad guy. I wonder how the author will redeem him?

Angel’s Flight by Nalini Singh is on my radar. It comes out Feb 28. At first I didn’t think the Guild Hunter books were as good as the Psy/Changeling books, but they are definitely growing on. Talking about an author taking a bad guy and redeeming him, have you read Archangel’s Blade?

The Alpha and Omega series is one of my favorites. Fair Game by Patricia Briggs comes out March 6.

Also out on March 6 is Oracle’s Moon by Thea Harrison. I really liked Dragon Bound, the first book in the series. The second was a bit meh, and I didn’t think I’d like Serpent’s Kiss, the third one, but I ended up loving it. The novella, True Colors, was pretty darned good too. Now I need to wait until March for the next. March!

The next Black Dagger Brotherhood book, Lover Reborn by JR Ward is out in late March. I kinda gave up on this series, but I might get this one. Tohrment was one of the original brothers and I’d like to see him happy again.

Another Psy/Changling book is coming out in late May. Tangle of Need by Nalini Singh. I think I’d read anything by Nalini Singh. Not only is she a fantastic writer, but I got to meet her at Lori Foster’s thing last summer. She was gracious and sweet.


What books are you looking forward to?


Winner of Sleeping With the Wolf

The winner of the paperback copy of Sleeping With the Wolf is:



Congrats! An email has been sent to you.

Thanks to everyone who has visited. This was a really fun hop. The Grand Prizes will be announced tomorrow night.