Tracking Tami Updates + Newsletter News

I have decided to put out a newsletter.  I’ve had people ask me if I had a newsletter and I’ve always said no.  Newsletters were for “big” authors. I’m still a newbie, and it’s not like I put out four books a year or sell 100,000 copies a year. But some of the writers over on Romance Divas were talking about newsletters, how to do them and how effective they were.  And I figured, What the heck. If only ten people sign up I’ll happily send out news about my writing to ten people.

Let me tell you how I plan for this newsletter group to work. If you sign up for the newsletter you are only required to enter your email addy, your first name (or a nickname) and the format you want the newsletter to come in. You will receive an emailed newsletter about 4 times a year, although there may be an extra here and there when I am having a contest or something extra special happens.

If you would like to join my street team you can also enter your mailing address. Those on the street team will receive extra bling in the mail once or twice a year.  In exchange I ask that they promote my books when possible. I want to clarify about that. I don’t expect anyone to stand on street corners and preach about my books. *shudder* No, I mean that if it seems appropriate, mention my books. Maybe write a review on GoodReads or Amazon or Shelfari. If someone on a readers forum asks for a recommendation you could mention my books. Don’t leave your comfort zone. I want this to be fun, not work.

Okay? Then go here to sign up for my newsletter.

Updates: I said there would be updates, so here you are.

I am working hard on Tracking Tami, Book 3 in the After the Crash series. I finished the rough draft on July 5, then put it aside for a bit. I plan to finish revising Tami by next Monday so I can get the manuscript out to a couple gals who agreed to read it for me and catch any errors or rough spots in the story. Writers call these types of readers “beta readers”. They are the second sets of eyes to look at a story. I hope to have the book back from them by August 1st. Then I’ll go through the story again and hopefully get it submitted by August 13. You know, it’s hard to pick a favorite hero. But Tracker is definitely in the running. Where Taye was tender and coaxing and Shadow was demanding, Tracker is silently, hopelessly in love with Tami. But he just can’t find the words to say so to her.

In between times I am working on Eddie’s Prize. It’s actually mostly written, but I have to add some scenes to flesh out the story. Right now Eddie’s an angel, so in love with his newly won bride that he can’t get enough of her. But that’s going to change and I know I’ll be fighting the urge to slap Eddie silly. Hm… Maybe Lisa will do that for me. That woman has the patience of a saint combined with a spine of Minnesota-Nice, but she does have a temper. I think Eddie is going to have to grovel extravagantly to win her back.

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