Thanks, everyone, for playing! The two winners are DarinP. and MyGirls01. I have emailed the winners. I think I need to do this more often! 🙂
Thanks, everyone, for playing! The two winners are DarinP. and MyGirls01. I have emailed the winners. I think I need to do this more often! 🙂
Every writer creates their story in their own way. Some have a very detailed outline set up before they ever beginning writing. Those are “plotters”. They have every step of the plot meticulously planned. Others have a hero and heroine at Point A and know they will be in love and happy by Point B. Those are “pantser”. They write by the seat of their pants. How exactly the H/h will get to Point B is vague when they begin writing.
Most writers fall between plotter and pantser but lean more in one direction than the other. I have always been a pantser. Really, REALLY a pantser. On May 26 my fellow Liquid Silver Books author Tina Holland taught a workshop at our local critique group meeting on how to use a plotting board. I’ve been waiting ever since to try it out. But the only place I have to lay out a plotting board is my kitchen table. And wouldn’t you know it, my kitchen light died on May 30. I’ve called the apartment management three times. Finally, last night I went and bought a cheapo floor lamp. Putting it together was not as successful as I would have liked. But though it leans like a drunken sailor, it does the job. I have Wolf’s Promise loosely plotted!
I thought others might like to know how I used it. Everyone uses a plotting board differently, I’m sure. As you can see, the story will take place over a very short time, only a few days. I am using a white board with a blank calendar printed on it. The actual action takes place between Monday December 29 and Thursday January 1. Here is what I did:
1. In the vertical Sunday column I wrote “Connie” in the first two squares, and “Des” in the next two squares, and “Other” in the last square. That is for setting.
2. In the Monday column I wrote the date “29” in the corner of all five squares. In the Tuesday column I wrote “30”, in the Wednesday, “31” and in the Thursday, “1”.
3. Then I began writing choppy sentences on the stickies.  The bright pink stickies are for Connie’s actions. “Break up cat fight” etc. The dark blue stickies are for Des’ actions. “”Ask Connie to be mate”. Orange are for back story. “Connie: plane crash”. White stickies are for Goals/Motivation. “C: keep women safe”. Yellow-green are setting. “At PWH”. Purple are love scenes.
4. Place stickies on the appropriate day on either Connie or Des’ squares.
The light blue stickies on the left side of the board are Des’ back story, some of which will play a part in the story and some won’t. For instance, his mother was murdered by townsmen, and he now hates townsmen. In order to marry Connie he has to be able to live with townsmen. His ultimate Goal is to win Connie, which is on a white sticky. Those things obviously will be in the story. He doesn’t like cats, milk or the color purple. Those things probably won’t be in the story. Connie’s back story on the lighter pink.
If while I’m writing I decide to change the sequence I can just move the sticky.
Is that clear? It is to me, kind of. I guess we’ll see how it goes when I start writing this afternoon! 🙂
It was a long drive from North Dakota to Ohio, but I hate to fly, so it was worth it. My friend Jessica went with me again this year. I had a fantastic time at the RAGT, as I always do. And as I always do, I forgot to take many pictures. I always have such good intentions but you know what they say about the paving on the road to that hot place 🙂
We arrived on Thursday in the late afternoon and one of the first people I saw was Paige Tyler. She and her hubby Paul have been super nice to me each of the three times I’ve gone to the RAGT. They saved a spot for us at their table and we sat with them for every meal. I didn’t get a pic of them (darn it!) but here is one of me and Paige and Brenda Wheeler, a member of Paige’s street team. Brenda was a fun lady and I’m glad I had a chance to get to know her. Her husband Don joined us, and I have to say, he’s a great guy to accompany his wife to a romance readers convention. That’s true love!
On Friday morning I went down to the Liquid Silver Books Boardroom to meet Monette Michaels and Linda Eberhart from my publishers, and then Paige grabbed me to help stuff the 500+ goodie bags. It was surprisingly hard work, but it was fun. Here is a pic of my friend Jessica with a bag. isn’t that pink leopard print cute?
the goody bag
That evening I was one of the authors signing. I’m not including that pic, because I look as dumpy as an overweight hippo stuffed into a blouse that showed every bulge. But I had fun! I sat beside Anara Bella, who was so friendly she helped settle my nerves. I got to see Robyn Bachar and her friend Diana. They are so much fun!
And I got to meet up with Jessica Bowes, who had won the shawl I knit for a blog hop prize. Isn’t that cute on her? She and her mom look like sisters, not mother and daughter.
I also got to have a 20 minute met and greet in the LSB boardroom.
Jessica and I both won two raffle baskets, which rocked, because Jessica and pretty much stuffed one bag with her name. She REALLY wanted that set of books!
On Saturday I got to hang out with writing partners Christine Lawrence and Steph Smith. Since they live a couple of hours away from each other they don’t get the chance to actually sit down together in person. They were kind enough to let me interrupt their work for me to visit with them.
There were so many other people I enjoyed seeing and talking to, but of course, I didn’t get pics.
It was a busy, busy, fun, fun weekend! Jessica and I got home around suppertime on Monday. I’m already looking forward to next year!
I designed (if a very simple knitted wrap can be called a design!) a shawl for the raffle basket my friend Jessica and I donated to Lori Foster’s Reader & Author Get Together last weekend. I received a number of complimentary comments on the shawl, and so I typed up the pattern. This is so easy that a pattern isn’t needed, but a lot of knitters prefer something written down as opposed to vague verbal directions. See the link below for the pattern (such as it is!)
     Rose wiped the heel of her hand over her eyes. Like many fair skinned people her face was blotched red from her tears, but the blue of her blue-gray eyes was more vivid. “You’re here now. Sky got Taye’s letter, but he didn’t come for the funeral.”
     Resentment edged Rose’s voice. Ellie tried to find the right words. “Did you want him to come? Do you want to marry him?”
    “No! Yes! Oh, lord, I don’t know.” Rose sprang up from the bed to pace. “Six years ago I’d rather have married a tarantula. But I want a baby and unless there’s a miracle, I won’t have one unless Sky comes back.”
Here is a snip from Wolf’s Prize, featuring some secondary characters who will be featured in a collection of short stories. Ellie and her friends Sara and Melissa are watching some of the men of the Clan just after they’ve changed from wolf to man and haven’t put their clothes on yet. Just a hint: Stone Wolf is Jelly’s adult name.
Sara nudged her horse to join them. She took one foot out of a stirrup and hooked her leg over the saddle horn with an ease that Ellie envied. Sara’s cheeks were flushed and a smile played with her lips. “I wish all men looked that good naked,” she said with loud enthusiasm.
Ellie winced. Several of the men looked at her, and one wolf, who must be Stone, raised his hackles and growled.
“Oh, please.” Sara rolled her eyes. “Like you don’t know you’re just as gorgeous as the rest of them.”
The wolf’s face wrinkled in an almost human frown, before his tail went tick-tock once. Then he turned and trotted away.
Mel took off her cowboy hat and waved it in front of her face. “That is just plain weird.”
Stone, human now and dressed in only jeans, walked back to them. His face still held a frown as he stared up at Sara. “You think I’m handsome?” he demanded of her.
“Are you kidding?”
Stone blinked at the wealth of sarcasm drenching Sara’s voice. “Is that a “Yes, I “think you’re handsome” or a “No, I don’t think you’re handsome” sort of are-you-kidding?”
Sara rolled her eyes again. “You are so male.”
After a moment of consideration, Stone puffed out his chest. “You think I’m handsome,” he announced and strutted away.
I suppose I should save this for next Tuesday, but I’m in the mood to celebrate and share my joy. I sent Wolf’s Prize to the publisher tonight. So I’m free to work on the collection of short stories I’ll be putting out in early 2014. The first of these will be about Connie Mondale, the crashed plane’s co-pilot, and Des, Taye’s Beta. This takes place at the Plane Women’s House.
Des walked down the dim hallway on silent feet. A sound caught his attention, and something perilously close to panic surged through him. Crying. Almost soundless crying, coming from the apartment Miss Connie shared with two other women. Panic was followed swiftly by rage. Without hesitation he opened the door and flung himself inside, gaze sweeping the room to find whatever had reduced his strong, unclaimed mate to tears. There was nothing to see but Connie, sitting at a table, her pale blond hair untidy as if she had raked her hands through it. She jerked her head up from the cradle of her hands to stare at him.
“What the hell?” she began.
“Who hurt you?” he snarled.
She rose from the chair to face him, chin up and mouth firm. “I’m not hurt.”
“Then what made you cry?”
Red bloomed over her pale face. “I’m not crying.”
Tenderness, a feeling utterly alien to his nature before he’d seen this brave woman, swamped him. “Okay,” he said, attempting to sound calmly reasonable. “I can pretend there’s no tears on your cheeks if you want. Tell me what upset you.”
She folded her arms with a glare that aroused him. Instead of answering his question, she attacked. “What are you doing upstairs? Men aren’t allowed up here.”
Did she have any idea what her strength did to him?
Today about all I can think of is that I hurt. The side of my face is swollen. The ear isn’t swollen, but all around it is swollen. I would psot a pic, but I don’t want to gross you out.  Went to the doc. Turns out I have an infected saliva gland.
I’ve never HEARD of a saliva gland.
But I have one. It might have a stone. Wait, you mean like a kidney stone? Do I have to pass it???
No, if there’s a stone it will have to be removed. But first we’ll try an antibiotic, drinking lots of water, hot compresses and eating sour candy.
This is fun. Not.
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