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The Next Big Thing-Eddie’s Prize

I was tagged by my friend Suzanna Medeiros, author of historical romance, to participate in The Next Big Thing series. Last week she posted about her current Work in Progress, Loving the Marquess. You can follow this link to read her post.


The Next Big Thing is a blog hop of sorts wherein a writer is given the opportunity to answer ten questions about their current work in progress or a work that is already published. They then tag some more people, who will post about their respective WIPs the following week and pass this invitation on to other writers to keep The Next Big Thing going. I have asked Tina Holland and Mary Jean Adams from my local crit group, and Karlene Clark from a neighboring city (only 70 miles away is neighboring in North Dakota!), to join The Next Big Thing and make posts next week. Be sure to check them out next Wednesday!


Ready to find out more of what I’m working on right now? Here we go!

10 Questions:

What is the working title of your book?

Eddie’s Prize


Where did the idea come from for the book?

My head. I have 6-7 hours a day to zone out while doing boring repetitive work on the computer at the day job.


What genre does your book fall under?

Paranormal Romance is the broad genre, but it is also post-apocalyptic, time travel and futuristic.


Which actors would you choose to play your characters in a movie?

Eddie, the hero, is easy. I imagine Travis Fimmell as Eddie. Lisa is slender, blond, and beautiful, which could be any number of actresses. I don’t know who this lady is, but she’s a dead ringer for Lisa.



What is a one sentence synopsis of your book?

Transported to a post-apocalyptic future where women are scarce, Lisa finds herself married to a gorgeous stranger.


Will your book be self published or represented by an agency?

The other books in the series are published by Liquid Silver Books.


How long did it take you to write the first draft of your manuscript?

Way, WAY too long. I had trouble with this one because I wasn’t sure where to start it. Should I skip for the first several months, since they had been covered in the previous books? No, I decided, then readers might not understand Lisa’s feelings. I started it, deleted, and started again half a dozen times. It’s at the publisher right now, for them to review and decide if they like it as is or if changes need to be made.


What other books would you compare this story to within your genre.

I feel a little uncomfortable comparing my writing to anyone else. If they are way better than me (and they probably are, since I’m still pretty new at writing for an audience), then I feel presumptuous. If they are even newer than I am at professional writing, then I feel like I’m being condescending. So I guess I’ll just skip this question.


Who or What inspired you to write this book?

A girl I work with is named Lisa Hill. We were (and still are!) so stressed out at work that as a joke, I began writing crazy love stories to perk us up.  It just sort of took off. I had no plans to get them published, but Lisa and others nagged me– No, not nagged. They encouraged me to submit the first one. I did, not expecting it to be accepted. Now this is book 4 in the series.


What else about your book might interest the reader?

If you like stories where women are considered precious becauSe of their rarity, you might like this series. If you’ve read the other books in the series, you might like to see how previous characters are doing.


Mini Excerpt:

      A couple of men came out onto the wide covered porch. The wagon stopped about ten yards from them. One of the men, big-bellied with brown hair and a grizzled, graying beard, came down the steps to stand a few yards away from the wagon.

      One of the Odessa guards stepped forward to shake the man’s hand. “Mayor Madison,” he said loudly, and then lowered his voice to speak further.

      Lisa exchanged a half-laughing, half-horrified look with Carla. Mayor? He looked like a beer-bellied, aging hippy with a hangover. Carla stood up and swung herself over the side of the wagon, landing on the dirt driveway with easy grace. Lisa doubted she could do that even if her feet hadn’t been killing her.

      The second man flowed down the steps with the lithe grace of a cat and when the sun hit him Lisa caught her breath. His hair was golden, a halo of waves around his face. His face was elegant, sun-kissed to a creamy golden tan, perfect in each clear-cut feature. As a model, Lisa had worked with many handsome men, but none of them could top this one. Such beautiful blue-green eyes with dark lush lashes shouldn’t belong to a man. That wide, gracefully curving, kissable mouth made Lisa wonder what he would taste like. He could almost be called pretty, except that his jaw was hard, his chin square and his shoulders broad.

The Bewitching Blog Hop! (and a sneak peek at Glory & Shadow)


Welcome to Maddy Barone’s stop on The Bewitching Just Romance Me blog hop. If you have fallen off the tour or want to join, just click here. On this bloghop you can win free books, gifts cards, and a new Kindle Paperwhite ereader.

The prize I’m giving away to one commenter on this post is a cute little shawl I knit myself. See? The perfect thing to keep your shoulders warm. The winner will also receive a paperback copy of either Sleeping With the Wolf or Wolf’s Glory, their choice. 🙂 If you would like to win, just leave a comment below. As always, those who are signed up to receive my newsletter are entered twice in the drawing. Comments must be left before 5:45pm central time. I will announce the winner on Sunday night before 9pm central time.

And to get you in the mood for Halloween, here is a snippet about Glory and Shadow (the hero and heroine from Wolf’s Glory), a year after they have mated.


Glory folded her arms, considering the exterior of the small house her mate had built for her. It was painted white, with a wide porch of natural wood on three sides, and a chimney made of native Black Hills stone climbing the fourth. A wisp of smoke rising from the chimney showed white in the sapphire blue of the late afternoon sky. Glory stepped back a few yards, looking at the postcard-perfect view of the house against the reds and golds of the autumn foliage. It was cute. Glory didn’t do cute. How could she turn cute into scary? Halloween was only two weeks away. Except for last year, she’d always gone all out decorating for her favorite holiday. Last year … Well, last year she’d been too busy to do anything for Halloween. Between surviving a plane crash, meeting and marrying a hunky werewolf, and finding out she’d gone forward to a time after Armageddon, she’d completely lost track of the days.


But this year would be different. Glory put her hands on her hips, strolling from one end of the house to the other, considering where the spider webs would look most effective.




At the scolding sound of her hunky werewolf’s voice, Glory turned to see him walking toward her from his mother’s house a hundred yards away. Shadow was, as always, all but naked in just moccasins and a breechcloth. His hair, black and thick and heavy, hung down his back to his butt, leaving his broad, beautifully muscled chest bare. At six feet and six inches tall, he was the only man who made Glory feel petite. Hell, he was six inches taller than she was, and almost outweighed her. The fierce Lakota Wolf Clan warrior, who was a terrifying sight in battle, tenderly cradled a pink and blue bundle in one arm.


“Sunshine,” he scolded again. “You are supposed to be lying down, resting.”


“I will. I just wanted to think about how to decorate for Halloween.” She lifted her lips for his kiss and twitched the edge of the baby blanket aside to peek at their daughter’s face. “Hey, there, little Miss Vicki,” she cooed.


 “Sh, she’s sleeping.” Shadow hooked his free arm around her waist and towed her up the steps of the porch into their house. “I thought you wanted to call her Victoria.”


“Well, yeah.” Glory watched him set the baby down in her cradle with as much care as if the afghan Lisa Madison had made was wrapped around nitroglycerin. “Victoria for my grandmother, Jillian for Jill, and Tara for your mom. But Victoria Jillian Tara Wolfe is a big mouthful for such a little thing.”


Not that Vicki had felt that little while she was being born. The books in Kearney’s library that talked about the joy and beauty of childbirth were lucky she wasn’t allowed to burn them. Joy and beauty, her ass. Still, Glory didn’t remember the pain nearly as vividly she remembered the expression on Shadow’s face: terror and joy and awe, all mixed together, as he held the screaming scrap of humanity that was his daughter in his big hands. Glory wished cameras still existed. She never wanted to forget that sight or that moment in time.


“Hm … I wonder what she should be for Halloween? I think I could put together a little witch costume. Do you think we could get a pointy hat to stay on her head?”


“Sunshine, she’s only five weeks old.”


Glory reluctantly agreed. “She’s too young this year, but soon she’ll be going all around the neighborhood Trick or Treating, going to parties, playing with the boys …”


“PLAY—” Almost too late, Shadow remembered to keep his voice low. “Playing with boys?” he hissed, his eyes taking on that weird werewolf glow.


“Uh-huh. You know, Chase and Raven and Matt.”


His eyes went back to normal. “Oh, her cousins, you mean.”


Glory hid a grimace. Their daughter was going to have a hell of a time finding a boy brave enough to date her. That was years away, though, and Glory’s thoughts were on something in the here and now. She watched her mate put another log on the fire, admiring the way the muscles in his back bunched and smoothed as he moved. Her mate was mouthwateringly sexy. “For this year, I have the perfect costumes for us.”


He turned in a flare of hair, eyes wide in apprehension. “I don’t wear costumes,” he warned her.


“Good,” she purred. “I like you naked best. I thought I could be Little Red Riding Hood and you could be the Big Bad Wolf.” She let her fingers comb through his hair, smooth down his chest to the knot of the cord that held his breechcloth up. “But I don’t have a costume, so I guess we’ll just have to pretend. If I took off my clothes, could you pretend to take a red cloak off me?”


He swallowed hard. “Sunshine, is it too soon? It’s only been a few weeks.”


“Almost six weeks. Jill says everything has healed up just fine after the birth.” She succeeded in loosening his breechcloth. It dropped, showing that though his words were reluctant, his body wasn’t. She took him in her hand, loving the heat and the weight of him. “I’ve missed you, Big Guy.”


His teeth caught her earlobe. “I’ve missed you, Sunshine. I’ll go slow, I promise.”


 “Go as fast as you want, but remember the baby’s sleeping. Don’t roar and howl at the end like you always do.”


“Me?” He let go of her ear to give her a wolfish grin. “Who is it that screams my name when she comes?”


She faked a scowl. “I’m not anywhere near as loud as you.”


Shadow lifted her lightly into his arms and shouldered his way into their bedroom. “We’ll see,” he threatened.


Glory surrendered to his hands and mouth. This was a contest she could live with. And if she lost, well, she could live with that too.


Twenty minutes after their bedroom door closed, a roar and a scream woke the baby. In the cradle her grandfather had carved for her, Victoria blinked startled blue eyes, shoved a tiny fist into her mouth and fell back asleep.





Win a Handknit Shawl or a Kindle Paperwhite

Starting this Friday, the Bewitching blog hop by Just Romance Me will begin. The grand prize will be a Kindle Paperwhite ereader, and there will be free books galore, gift cards to Barnes & Noble and Amazon, and a little shawl I knit myself. Bloggers will have excerpts of their books, eye candy and short short stores for you to enjoy. I have written a short snip of Glory and Shadow one year after the crash. Jump onboard any time on Friday through Sunday afternoon for your chance to win.


A Few Upcoming Give-Aways!



I appreciate my readers so much! To all of you who have read my books and enjoyed them enough to mention them to your friends,
Thank You! I wanted to do something nice for you in return. During the next JustRomanceMe bloghop (date not yet determined, but probably in month or two) I will be giving away this little shoulder shawl.  I knit it myself, so I can point out all the boo-boos :), but it’s still pretty cute.

I am still working on Eddie’s Prize, but there is hope that I will have the rough draft completed by the time I go to bed on Sunday, September 23. Right now I am writing a scene where Lisa has (in utter frustration) sworn she’ll never try to knit again. She HATES knitting! Tami tries to teach her how to braid rugs, but that is a disaster for Lisa, too. But Rose introduces her to crochet, and for some reason, that works for Lisa. Soon she is making a granny square, and since she doesn’t like the idea of sewing dozens of squares together, she just keeps working on that one granny square until it becomes a big square afghan. I will be creating Lisa Madison’s After the Crash Throw to give away to a member of my newsletter. More info on that in a few months. Here is how far I’ve gotten on it so far:


Love’s A Beach Blog Hop!

Welcome to Maddy Barone’s stop on the Just Romance Me’s Love’s A Beach Blog Hop. If you want to go on the hop or you’ve fallen off the tour bus, you can get on by clicking here.


My current series takes place in Nebraska, in a dystopia-like future where women are scarce and wives are often taken by the winner of a Bride Fight.  Not a lot of beaches in Nebraska 🙂 But the idea behind beaches is relaxation, right? Maybe some hot lovemaking? Here is a scene from Eddie’s Prize, the 4th book in the After the Crash series, which I am hoping to have submitted by September 30. Eddie is a blond hunk who won Lisa in a Bride Fight. With so few women, there is no one to fool around with, so on his wedding night Eddie was a virgin. Lisa was a famous model before her plane jumped fifty years into the future. She is definitely NOT a virgin. This scene is the morning after.

Eddie leaned up with his head propped on one hand and his fingers of his free hand tracing invisible patterns over her collar bones. “It gets better every time, doesn’t it?”

Lisa stretched lazily. “I’m not sure it can get better than that. But if you want to try, I won’t complain.”

“It can be better. This time I didn’t kiss you, or suck your nipples, or barely taste your clit.”

“That’s true,” his wife agreed with a naughty smile. “And I didn’t get to suck you either.”

Eddie shuddered slightly when she ran a finger over his cock lying limp against his thigh. He caught her hand to bring it to his lips to kiss. “We have plenty of time to play. This is our honeymoon, remember?”

Her beautiful smile curved her lips. “Right. I need a bathroom, and then breakfast.”

Eddie returned the smile. “I think it’s closer to lunch now. You get dressed and go use the facilities, and I’ll see what we have in the cold box for breakfast.”

Lisa’s smooth brow folded in a frown. “The only clothes I have are what I was wearing on the plane. They’re pretty beat up.”

Eddie remembered that their clothes were currently scattered from the bedroom to the kitchen. “My mom and sister put a robe and nightgown in the closet for you.” He couldn’t keep his smile back. “I guess you didn’t get a chance to wear the nightgown. Tomorrow we’ll go downtown and order some new clothes for you.”

“Thank you!” Lisa gave him a big, smacking kiss. “I love new clothes!”

She jumped out of bed and flashed him a smile when he leered at her naked body in an exaggerated way. She took her time opening the closet and putting on the robe. She fumbled for the boots he had pried off her last night. She stamped her feet into them and shook her head to free her hair from the robe.

“A chenille robe and high-heeled Ferragamo boots. How sexy.”

He leered again. “I think so.”

She added an extra sway to her hips as she left the bedroom to go out to the outhouse. Eddie whistled at the show, enjoying teasing her. After he heard the door close behind her, his face lost the smile. Sitting up, he put his feet on the floor and his head in his hands. How long could he keep his secret from her?

Eddie got up and didn’t bother dressing before picking up their scattered clothes. Lisa was right. Her sweater was ruined, and her jeans weren’t much better. He folded the clothes and laid them on top of the dresser in the bedroom. He paused to smile at the rumpled sheets and blankets. No sense making the bed. He planned to be back in it not long after breakfast, with his wife beside him. Or under him, or on top of him. His smile grew, resembling a cat contemplating a bowl of foamy cream.


I am offering a download of Book 3: Wolf Tracker, which will be drawn by the Blog Hop organizers on Sunday. I am also offering a download of any of my books to a commenter on my blog. If you’d like a chance to win, leave a comment. Also, those who receive my newsletter are automatically added twice to the drawing. I will draw a name by 10pm Central Time, Sunday night, and notify the winner then.

Have fun on the hop, and good luck in the Prize Winning Department!


Tuesday Truth: blog hop ahead!

Hey, everyone, summer’s coming to a close. For parents, that might mean that money is tight after buying school clothes and supplies. Can’t afford new reading material? Don’t fret. Go on the Love’s A Beach Blog Hop this weekend. There will be lots and lots of cool prizes to win like books! And out grand prize of a Nook Glo-Light!

And be like my mom. Put the flag out on the first day of school. With 8 of us, mom always said the first day of school ought to be a national holiday. 🙂

The Romance Reviews Sizzling Summer Reads

All this month the Romance Reviews has been hosting a game where players can win prizes. Each day they post a few Q&As  On Sunday July 22, one of the questions that players have to answer is:

How many men does Ray Madison say are fighting to win Carla as their wife in the Bride Fight?

After I thought about it I realized that is a hard question! It’s too late for me to change it now. The answer can be found in the excerpt from Sleeping With the Wolf under the Excerpts tab above.  But I’ll be nice to you. Carla has a round dozen of the best and wealthiest men fighting for her.

If you haven’t been playing along, it’s not too late to start. Head over there to check it out!


Blog Hop!

Welcome to Maddy Barone’s stop on the Sexy Summer Solstice Blog Hop! If you fall off the train, just click to get back on. Or if you have stumbled on this post and want to join, click that same link above.

I know other participants are writing short stories and all kinds of other good stuff, but I’m deep in writing Eddie’s Prize, Book 4 in the After the Crash series, so I thought I’d just post a few of the pix I’ve collected as inspiration. Enjoy!


This is Eddie Madison, the hero of Eddie’s Prize. He’s nearly 26, with a slim build, shoulder-length golden blond hair and turquoise eyes. In the post-apocalyptic world he lives in, women are few. He is the son and heir of the most powerful man in his area, but if he wants a wife, he has to enter a Bride
Fight and win her.




Lisa Anton was an international fashion model before the plane she was on crashed in a desolate future where strong men rule by might. When she first sees Eddie she thinks he’s a  golden sex god. She’s worked with many handsome male models in her career, but Eddie tops them all.


There you go, a little eye candy! It’s just the heat of the summer sun that has your cheeks flushed and your eyes glazed, right? Yeah, me too.











Coming Soon! Win a Nook!

Here’s a quick heads up about a blog hop starting next week. You can win tons of great prizes, like books and a Nook Glowlight ereader pre-loaded with a ton of romance novels. You can read short stories and excerpts of books, enjoy a little eye candy and maybe find some new authors. So stop by and see what’s up next Wednesday through Sunday.

On the Mend

Last Tuesday I was diagnosed with pneumonia, and I did feel pretty darned crappy. I’ve been on antibiotics, plus two different inhalers and a steroid, and today I’m feeling pretty good. It used to feel like my left lung was a garage for a small red-hot brick with sharp edges that cut me every time I breathed. Very uncomfortable. And my temperature fluctuated between 100.6 and 102.4. I’m much better today. A little tired, because I’ve been running around getting stuff ready for the Annual Reader & Author Get Together next weekend, but definitely on the mend. 

My friend Jess and I have been getting goodies together for the raffle basket we’re donating. It will contain a handknit shawl, the 1st two After the Crash books in paperback, some chocolates, a nook simple touch ereader with a handsewn cover, a gift card to Barnes & Noble and the basket itself is a hand woven purse from South America.

Lots still to do, but we’re not leaving until Wednesday morning. Best thing? I’m on vacation now until Wed June 6!


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